
Current Year Priorities

Information can be found below on the following:

School Development Plan

The School Development Plan (SDP) is a strategic plan for improvement. It should bring together, in a clear and simple way, the school’s priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.

At The Coppice, we work collaboratively with Senior Leaders, Trustees, teachers and pupils to determine what our key priorities are for the coming academic year. We follow a clear process to determine what areas of the school need to be further developed as well as identifying areas of strength within the school. By consulting all the key stakeholders within the school, the document is one that we all identify with and acts as a common goal that we are all striving to achieve.

The School Development Plan is not a fixed document rather it is one that is flexible and adapts based on the needs of the school. The SDP is reviewed by senior leaders on a regular basis and updates are provided to staff and Trustees to ensure that we are all aware of any outstanding actions.

School Development Plan 2022-23

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Pupil Premium

Pupils are classed as disadvantaged if they are eligible for free school means (‘FSM’), or if they have claimed FSM within the last 6 years. Schools also receive funding for children who are looked after or who have previously been in local authority care.

Check if your child may be eligible and apply for free school meals.

Publicly-funded schools in England receive additional government funding to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils, known as the Pupil Premium. Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds generally face extra challenges in reaching their full potential at school and often do not perform as well as their peers.

At The Coppice, the needs of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium vary greatly across the school, with individuals requiring very different programmes of support based on these needs. We are continually informed by research into the most effective ways to enhance teaching and learning, and ensure that our strategy incorporates approaches that have proven to have the greatest impact on raising attainment.

The spending plan determined has been considered carefully alongside the specific needs of the individuals, our existing school development priorities and curriculum plans, with steps taken to ensure the initiative is implemented well with ongoing review to assess the impact of the plan.

Pupil Premium, including Recovery Premium, Strategy 2021-24

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School Led Tutoring

School led tutoring is part of the government's national tutoring programme in 2021/22. As a school we receive ring-fenced grant to source our own tutoring provision for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils who have missed the most education due to Covid-19. 

We believe that using our own experienced staff who know the pupils well will bring the best results for these children. 

The document below sets out our strategy for the use of this funding during the 2021/22 academic year. 

School Led Tutoring Strategy 2022-23

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PE & Sports Premium

The PE and Sport Premium aims to help primary schools to ensure pupils have access to sufficient daily activity. It is allocated directly to schools so they have the flexibility to use it in the way that works best for their pupils. The government stipulates that schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of their physical education ('PE'), physical activity and sport.

The spending plan determined has been considered carefully alongside our existing school development priorities and curriculum plans, with steps taken to ensure the initiative is implemented well with ongoing review to assess the impact of the plan.

PE & Sports Premium Report 2023-24

PE & Sports Premium Report 2022-23

PE & Sports Premium Report 2021-22

PE & Sports Premium Report 2020-21

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Covid Catch-up Fund

All schools in England were given additional funding for the 2020-21 Academic Year to help to minimise the effects of Covid-19 on pupils in school; this was called the Covid Catch-up Premium. The funding supported children to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus. This was especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

We understand that the recovery from the impact of Covid-19 on children’s learning will be long-term, so our approach supported children’s learning, development and well-being. The spending plan determined was considered carefully alongside our existing school development priorities and curriculum plans, with steps taken to ensure the initiative was implemented well with ongoing review to assess the impact of the plan.

Covid Catch-Up Premium Spend 2020-21 Plan

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